Our Fall KAL - Socks, Socks and More Socks

Our Fall KAL - Socks, Socks and More Socks

Winter is coming!  That means it is time for our warm, wooly socks to be front and center.  I love opening my drawer in the morning and choosing from my very eclectic (and never matching) pile of hand knit socks.

So our first KAL this fall is about adding to your sock stash. 

This KAL casts on November 5th and runs until December 31. 

Post your pics to our Instagram using the hashtag #STFASOCKKAL or on our Ravelry group.  

In order to enter you need to be using Sea Turtle Fiber Arts sock yarn.  To get 2 BONUS ENTRIES PER PROJECT - use one of our Signature STFA Sock Patterns designed by our very own Myrna Batten.  Cool Stripe Socks or the Sea Turtle Socks are the perfect socks to cast on for this KAL.

I will be listing kits for this KAL starting on November 1 and will continue to add more as I have more available...

Grab those needles, wind the yarn...print your STFA pattern and LET'S KNIT!

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