STFA Epic Summer KAL/Holiday Shut Down

STFA Epic Summer KAL/Holiday Shut Down

Summer has arrived in Calgary and it is beautiful!!  We have had a wonderful and amazing spring visiting our yarnies at fibre shows and hanging out at the baseball diamonds.

And now we need an epic summer KAL!!  Starting right now and ending on August 31...cast on your STFA yarns and knit like mad.

What should you knit?  Anything...sweaters, cowls, shawls, mittens, name it.  Maybe an afghan!

We will have a draw on July 1 for all our cast on items.  You need at least a few rows more than some stitches on a needle, but I'm flexible.

August 31 will be the big draw and you know the prize will be awesome!!!

But - and here it is, the big BUT!!  We are going on holiday.  We are shutting down from July 23-August 30th.  You will be able to check out our cool website and see the yarn but check out will be disabled.  I will be away from the computer and while I may do some quick posts with shots of sand, waves and my boys, I won't be doing a whole lot of STFA stuff.  So if you have been thinking about that next project and need yarn, please order soon.

If you are local to Calgary, check us out at the Olds Fibre Week Merchant Mall June 16-19th and ... the Calgary Stampede!!!  Yes, we will have a booth in the Makers Faire at the Calgary Stampede this year.  We will be there July 13-16th, sharing some space with the awesomeness that is Chasing Fire Ceramics.  If you are down at the grounds, come on by...say Howdy and pick up some of your favourite colours!

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